Gaming in the Future: What Gaming Might Look Like In 10 Years

Have you considered the future of gaming? Friends at Kotaku contacted me recently to get my take on what I think gaming might look like in the next few decades. It looks like I wasn’t alone in my toughts for the future!

Nina Nikolic (KidKerrigan), Voice actor & streamer 

My hope in the next 10 years is for technology to be in a place where we can enjoy the fun of VR without the physical pain of the headset. I enjoy VR so much, but haven’t been able to experience it as much as I want to because the headset is so heavy.

Also, imagine if 50 years from now we’re able to have VR mods for ALL our favourite games, and develop them in a way where we can overcome the dissonance of our brains going WOAH my body isn’t actually doing that when we’re head-bobbing around in first-person. 

I’m not sure how possible that is without actually rewiring our brains with Matrix-level tech, but… CAN YOU IMAGINE?! My elderly butt is going to be having the best time living a full life, even if my physical body is at a stage where it’s hard to keep up.

Gaming is a huge part of my life, especially now that I’m voice acting for them! I can’t be more excited to see the progress of developers using new tools and techniques to bring us the next generation of interactive stories.

If I was to continue playing games in the future, I hope they keep me active. Both in body and in mind. I don’t want to wither away. Games light up parts of my brain that I often forget about in daily life!

I won’t lie, I’ve always been curious to see how World of Warcraft would play in VR. Walking (or flying) around Azeroth and being fully immersed it; raiding and exploring those extraordinary environments, sounds like an incredible experience.

What do you think?